Grey Goose Toasts Rosario Dawson and Studio 189 at Surf Lodge

Rosario Dawson toasts Studio 189 with Grey Goose at Surf Lodge

Rosario Dawson toasts Studio 189 with Grey Goose at Surf Lodge

Rosario Dawson's private dinner at the Surf Lodge in Montauk, kicking off the start of the holiday weekend. The occasion marked a rare getaway for Rosario who is taking a holiday break from filming TV show Luke Cage to hold a pop-up of her clothing line Studio 189 at Surf Lodge. 

Rosario was joined by notables from the realms of fashion, art and design including Peter Brant Jr.  Guests routinely ventured outside of the private dining area to enjoy the tunes of EDM sensation Bob Moses, only to rush back to the confines of the intimate setting after the rowdy crowd got too fired up.

Following the performance, the dinner got into full swing with myriad courses of local Montauk cuisine complemented by the Grey Goose summer cocktail Le Grand Fizz. Members of Bob Moses - including Tom Howie, Jimmy Vallance, and Quincy Davis -joined the a-list group and partied until the wee hours of the morning. 

More photos can be seen here courtesy of Photographer: Madison McGaw/